Student loans, mortgages, credit cards, debt repayment, budgeting, and family finances.
Caitlin has a Master's in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mass Communications - Public Relations from Texas State University.
More About Caitlin
Caitlin has 5+ years of personal finance writing experience. Previously, for over a decade, she worked for local government and nonprofit organizations, .
Caitlin comes from a military and law enforcement family and is the mom to a toddler. She resides in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where she's heavily involved with dog rescues.
Caitlin is a personal finance writer specializing in student loans, debt repayment, credit cards, and budgeting basics. She holds a Master’s in Public Administration and has spent the last decade building a career in service to others. Her work has appeared on The Ascent, MSN Money, Yahoo! Finance and The Financial Gym.
The lastest from Caitlin
Disability Insurance
Principal vs. Guardian Disability Insurance: Key Factors to Consider Before Choosing
Disability Insurance