Private student loans typically have few, if any, limits on the amount that can be borrowed as long as the applicant meets specific criteria. Federal student loans, however, come with limits on the maximum you can borrow each year you’re in school and overall.
For undergraduates deemed “dependents,” the current subsidized and unsubsidized federal student loan limit is $31,000, with no more than $23,000 of that amount allowed in subsidized loans. Independent undergraduate students have a higher loan limit. Their subsidized and unsubsidized maximum student loan amount is $57,500. And no more than $23,000 of that may be in subsidized loans.
Meanwhile, graduate students’ federal student loan maximum is $20,500 per year, but grad students pursuing certain medical degrees have opportunities to borrow additional funds for continued education.
Here’s a breakdown of the maximum federal student loan amounts for undergraduates, grad students and students in specific fields.
Undergraduate federal student loan limits
As an undergrad, your federal borrowing limit is determined by what year of school you are in and your dependency status.
Student loan limits for dependents
Dependent students are those who include their parents’ information on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form because it’s assumed dependent students’ parents will help pay for their education.
If you’re a dependent student, but your parents don’t qualify for a Direct PLUS loan, you could be eligible for more Direct Unsubsidized Loan funding than the standard limit.
Here’s a look at the federal student loan limits for undergraduate students filing as dependents. Also, note the permitted amount of subsidized loans.
Academic year | Undergrad loan limit |
First | $5,500 (No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Second | $6,500 (No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Third+ | $7,500 (No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate loan limit | $31,000 (No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Remember, if your total federal student loan reaches the aggregate loan limit while you’re in school, you cannot receive more federal student loan funding.
Federal loan limits for independent students
If you’re an independent student, you’ll only report your information on your FAFSA form. If you’re married, you’ll add your spouse’s information, too. You can review this form to help you determine your dependency status.
The federal student loan limits for independent undergraduate students are higher than those for dependent undergrads. This difference exists in part because independent borrowers are likely not to have financial support from their parents.
The table below shows the amount independent students may borrow in federal student loans:
Academic year | Undergrad loan limit |
First | $9,500 (No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Second | $10,500 (No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Third+ | $12,500 (No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate loan limit | $57,500 (No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
Do not assume that you’re eligible for the independent federal student loan limit. The dependency form makes it clear that several factors determine whether you can claim an independent status.
Graduate federal student loan limits
Graduate students only fall into the “independent” category for federal student loan purposes. Below is a look at the federal student loan limits for graduate students:
Loan type | Grad loan limit |
Graduate or professional student annual limit | $20,500 |
Graduate or professional student total limit | $138,500 (No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.) |
The graduate federal student loan limit of $20,500 per year can only be in unsubsidized loans.
The graduate aggregate or total limit — the maximum student loan amount allowed over the lifetime of borrowing — also includes any federal student loans the borrower received for their undergraduate costs.
Direct PLUS loans
Graduate and professional students may also apply for Direct PLUS student loans if they need additional financial aid. The Direct PLUS federal student loan limit is the student’s school’s cost of attendance minus any other financial aid they receive.
Students must be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible school’s program that results in a graduate or professional degree or certificate to qualify for a Direct PLUS loan. Applicants must have credit in good standing and must meet the general federal financial aid requirements.
Program-specific graduate student loan limits
If you’re a graduate or professional student enrolled in certain health profession programs, you could be eligible for extra direct unsubsidized student loan funds beyond the standard limits. The aggregate limit on your direct unsubsidized student loans will be higher, too.
Loan programs for professions with high education costs
In 2014, the Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Program was transferred from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services to the U.S. Department of Education to help eligible students who need to borrow money pay for their continued educational costs.
There’s a cap on how much you can borrow through the HEAL program depending on your specialty and student status:
Status | Area of study | HEAL federal student loan limit |
Student | Medicine, Osteopathic medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Optometry, Podiatric medicine | $80,000 (May not exceed $20,000 in any academic year.) |
Student | Public health, Pharmacy, Chiropractic, Health administration, Clinical psychology, Allied health | $50,000 (May not exceed $12,500 in any academic year.) |
Non-Student | Medicine, Osteopathic medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Optometry, Podiatric medicine | $80,000 (Including loans obtained while the borrower was a student) May not exceed $20,000 in any 12-month period. |
Non-Student | Public health, Pharmacy, Chiropractic, Health administration, Clinical psychology | $50,000 (including loans obtained while the borrower was a student) Loan amount can’t exceed $12,500 in any 12-month period.) |
HEAL loans are intended to help grad students borrow additional funds once they’ve hit the federal student loan limit.
Know the maximum student loan amount you can borrow
If you need to use federal student loans to help pay for your schooling, just remember there will be a ceiling on how much you’ll be able to borrow. Some limits are set annually and some limits apply to the total amount you can borrow for both your undergraduate and graduate programs.
Knowing those figures in advance will help you determine how much non-federal aid you’ll need to apply for, either through scholarships and grants or private student loans.
If you need help calculating the student loan portion of your financial aid package, sign up for a pre-debt consult with Student Loan Planner®. We’ll help you put together a comprehensive plan that will minimize some the pressures you face as you figure out how you’ll pay for college.
Refinance student loans, get a bonus in 2025
Lender Name | Lender | Offer | Learn more |
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$500 Bonus
For refinancing 100k or more (bonus from Student Loan Planner®, not SoFi®)
Fixed 4.49 - 9.99% APR
Variable 5.99 - 9.99% APR with all discounts with all discounts |
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$1,000 Bonus
For 100k or more. $200 for 50k to $99,999
Fixed 4.29 - 9.49% APR
Variable 5.88 - 9.73% APR
![]() |
$1,000 Bonus
For 100k or more. $300 for 50k to $99,999
Fixed 4.99 - 10.24% APPR
Variable 5.28 - 10.24% APR
![]() |
$1,050 Bonus
For 100k+, $300 for 50k to 99k.
Fixed 4.99 - 8.90% APR
Variable 5.29 - 9.20% APR
![]() |
$1,275 Bonus
For 150k+, $300 to $575 for 50k to 149k.
Fixed 4.88 - 8.44% APR
Variable 4.86 - 8.24% APR
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$1,250 Bonus
For 100k+, $350 for 50k to 100k. $100 for 5k to 50k
Fixed 3.85 - 12.10% APR
Variable 4.34 - 13.08% APR
Not sure what to do with your student loans?
Take our 11-question quiz to get a personalized recommendation for 2025 on whether you should pursue PSLF, SAVE or another IDR plan, or refinancing (including the one lender we think could give you the best rate).