If you owe $20,000 to $1 million in student loans, keep reading.

3,860+ 5-star reviews

Paying back student loans is more complex than ever before, especially with the likely repeal of the SAVE plan and the 427 pages of new rules that accompanied it.

Should you pursue forgiveness or pay everything off quickly? Do you need to file taxes separately? Should you stay in forbearance? Do you need to reduce your AGI to qualify for forgiveness or is that unnecessary? Should you switch to IBR immediately or wait?

We’re experts in helping you navigate these and other complex questions to maximize your savings and minimize your stress and debt anxiety.

Our CFP®, CFA and CSLP® student loan consultants have helped 19,800+ clients take on over $4.4 billion of student debt. Read our 3,860+ reviews and see why our clients rate us the best provider of student loan help in the country. Then, if you like what you see, we hope you schedule your own custom plan with the button below.

Why hire Student Loan Planner?

We’re experts in helping you navigate these and other complex questions to maximize your savings and minimize your stress and debt anxiety.

Your Student Loan Planner® Consultants

  • Lauryn Williams, CFP®, CSLP®, AFC®
    Lauryn Williams, CFP®, CSLP®, AFC® Senior Student Loan Advisor
  • Meagan McGuire, CFP®, ChFC®, CSLP®
    Meagan McGuire, CFP®, ChFC®, CSLP® Senior Student Loan Advisor
  • Sim Terwilliger, CFP®, CSLP®
    Sim Terwilliger, CFP®, CSLP® Senior Student Loan Advisor
  • Travis Hornsby, CFA®, CFP®
    Travis Hornsby, CFA®, CFP® Chief Student Loan Planner
  • James Mwombela, CFP®, CSLP®
    James Mwombela, CFP®, CSLP® Senior Student Loan Advisor
  • Conor Mahlmann, CFP®, CSLP®
    Conor Mahlmann, CFP®, CSLP® Senior Student Loan Advisor

New client?

Book a student loan consult and learn how we can help.

Existing client?

Book a consult at a special rate for returning clients.

See what clients have said

My partner and I had a one hour consult with Ben and it proved to be money well spent!!!! Ben was able to provide concrete, timely and thorough solutions for our student loan challenges. Ben knows the ins and outs of the student loan maze and is an excellent communicator and true professional. He is able to make the complex simple. Ben walked my partner and I though an action plan and a move forward strategy which provided peace of mind and a savings of over well over 60K!! Lisa NY, United States 5 out of 5 stars.
Travis took into account my wife's finances and student loans and pointed us towards SERIOUSLY AMAZING savings. Travis was honest, nice, and easy to follow as we went through everything. He made sure to point out where we would save the most money in the long run and explain how each payment plan works. I am very happy with the service Travis provided and recommend him to anyone who needs help with big student loans. Evan R. ME, United States 5 out of 5 stars.
Ben was extremely helpful and enjoyable to talk to. He helped me understand my loans and advised me on my options for repayment, laying out in detail the differences and advantages for each repayment plan. Jonathan AR, United States | June 27, 2023 5 out of 5 stars.
I had an excellent experience working with Conor. He was easy to relate to and kept things low stress, while also managing to be fully familiar with the information I provided ahead of time and ready to get right to business as soon as our call started. Over the course of our consult, he was thorough, clear, and took the time to make sure I was understanding everything. I really appreciated how he took to the time to run numbers for various repayment options, and he was even able to make adjustments on the fly with new information I gave him. He identified an option that I did not know applied to me, and now I stand to save at least $60k off my loans and might even be able to reduce my federal tax burden! Brian H. IL, United States | June 28, 2023 5 out of 5 stars.
Benjamin was great – friendly, organized, and informative. I got everything I wanted out of this call and feel equipped and educated about how to handle my loans. Lily ME, United States | June 27, 2023 5 out of 5 stars.
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Why should you believe we can help you?

We’ve consulted on hundreds of millions in student debt, and we’ve found millions in forecasted student loan savings for the professionals we’ve worked with. We charge a one-time fee for our thorough review, but our clients save an average of over $71,000 projected over the life of the loan repayment period.

We’re not a document preparation company.

We won’t fill out your student loan paperwork for you. We want you to take ownership of every last dollar of your student loans. Our job is to arm you with the information you need to make an informed decision

The value of working with one of our student loan planners is strategy.

You’re going to get a roadmap. You’re going to get a way to pay back your loans. You’re going to get all of your questions answered. You’re going to find out what everyone else is doing. We’ve worked with more than 19,800 borrowers like you. We’ll also share tips that your peers are using to pay back their student loans.

There’s a real difference between having student loan debt and thriving financially while having student loans.

Male doctor with light brown skin and beard talking with an older female patient.

Your time is too valuable to be wasted like this.

Maybe you’re single and just starting out, or maybe you’re married (or soon will be) and kids are in the picture. You have the same bills as everyone else, but there are two problems:

  • Not only are you starting later in life because of your education, but
  • There’s massive amounts of debt getting in your way.

Do you throw everything you have at your debt?

Push off buying a house for 10 years.

Move into a studio apartment in a sketch part of town.

Push back at having kids with your spouse.

Or hire Student Loan Planner® to figure it out for you!

Watch the video to see what a student loan consultation entrails and how our team might be able to help you eliminate your student loan anxiety with a custom plan made specifically for you.

There are two ways to pay student loans

  1. Pay them off as fast as possible like your hair's on fire
  2. Pay as little as possible and use every trick in the book to maximize the amount of forgiveness you can receive.

Choosing the wrong approach could cost you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s where we come in.

People come to you because you're an expert at what you do. Your profession requires a lot of schooling, so you could be the expert people turn to when they need the most help. So, who do you turn to when you have questions about your student loans? Do you turn to a financial planner who doesn’t understand the ever-changing student loan marketplace, or do you turn to the experts?

We are the student loan experts if you owe $20,000 to $1 million.

Here’s the thing: That five- or six-figure debt? It’s not your fault!

The government passed legislation that said graduate schools can charge as much as they want for their programs. Naturally, deans were happy to raise tuition accordingly.

What are we supposed to do, live in a world without dentists, physicians, veterinarians, lawyers, pharmacists, chiropractors, psychologists or other highly trained professionals one day?

Should you save for retirement or pay down that loan?

You weren’t saving for retirement while you were in school, so it seems like you should start saving ASAP, right? But it’s really hard to know what to do with the money you’re making in your financial situation. How much are you supposed to put toward long-term savings? How much should you be throwing at your loans?

Nobody in the financial services world knows the answer to that unless they know how to handle the elephant in the room: the student loan debt.

Our job is to finally explain all of your repayment options.

If you’re struggling with five or six figures of student loans, we want to hear from you. Don’t keep your head in the sand and avoid looking at your loan statements. Feel confident in the approach you’re taking instead. Compare student loans to something else that’s complicated: taxes.

If your taxes are complex, you hire a CPA. If you owe five or six figures in student loans, book a consultation with one of our Student Loan consultants. All of us hold either the CFP, CFA or CSLP designation. We'll look at your federal loans as well as your private student loans (if you have both).

We’ll show you how to maximize the right federal student loan forgiveness programs, like Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), if you're eligible. We’ll show you how to minimize your Adjusted Gross Income, in order to help you when you file your taxes! We’ll look at your debt-to-income ratio along with your interest rate and see if consolidation and refinancing make sense for you (or rule it out).

Additionally, we’ll make sure you’re saving for the tax penalty under the most advantageous income-driven repayment plan, if that’s the right path.

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll sit down with one of our student loan consultants and we’ll look at your unique situation.

We’ll provide you with an exhaustive review of your repayment options (for both federal and private loans) and take a hard look at the path you’re on. If you’re already doing everything right, we’ll take the burden of not knowing off your plate and confirm you’re doing everything you can to maximize your savings.

If you’re missing something (and 90% of people are), we’ll give you resources and ideas of how you can save thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loans.

It’s not just about the call — we’ll ask you for some information before we sit down, in order for us to talk and prepare an analysis ahead of time, for prep for when we actually talk.

We’ll answer all the questions you have, and the best part is, we’re available for email support for up to three months after we sit down together (and that’s all included in the one-time fee!).

We’ve worked with over 19,800 clients, and collectively, they’ve saved over $1.4 billion on their student loan balances.

Imagine what your life looks like when you’ve paid off your student loans or no longer have to worry about them.

When all the money you’ve worked so hard to earn goes to your bank account or retirement savings, and not to line the pockets of the government or banks and lenders.

It really depends on your situation.

You can save money RIGHT AWAY, and you can save over time.

If you’re in the wrong payment program, you can stop throwing $5,000 a month away, because it’s not helping you any.

Other improvements feel more modest, but are usually a multiple of the consult fee and still add up to thousands of dollars.

And the best calls are when we take a massive amount of uncertainty off someone’s shoulders and just confirm by our group of experts that you’re on a solid plan.

Unfortunately, that’s rare.

During the consulting call, you’ll discover what works best for you. You’ll make changes to your student loans, and you’ll save money almost immediately, but the real impact is the amount of money you save over the lifetime of your loan.

When you book a consult, you take up an hour of one of our professional consultant's time. For this reason, we do not offer refunds for any reason.

We do have refunds available for our digital courses, if you request one in writing within seven days of purchase.

Having the expectation that you'll be paying for a student loan consult allows us to keep prices low (we would charge significantly more under a contingency fee model).

You can read the full refund policy.


I love complicated loan situations because I know that the less straightforward your student loans are, the more opportunities there are to find ways to save BIG.

We’ve worked with people who live and work all over the world, who have debt in the high six and even low seven figures.

If your loan balance makes you feel helpless, book a call with a student loan advisor.

We’ll help you get your debt to a point where you can feel confident about your financial life.

If you’re a family of high income earners, book a call with a student loan advisor.

Our value is in coming up with the best refinancing or forgiveness strategy for your unique income profile.

If you’d like to spend one hour getting the best repayment plan, instead of dozens of hours (and possibly get it wrong), book a call with a student loan advisor.

Just because you’re a very smart person (or you wouldn’t have made it through grad school) doesn’t mean you should spend your valuable time understanding our byzantine student loan system.

Very few people get what you’re going through. That’s a huge burden, but you’re not alone. There are concrete steps you can take today that will make a significant and positive impact on your future.

The first step is to book a call with one of our student loan consultants.

Two institutions are profiting from the student loan debt crisis: incompetent financial institutions and the government.

I don’t think that’s right.

My mission is to help the top 1% of most indebted people find massive amounts of long-term savings on their student loans.

We’re dedicated to graduate-level professionals who owe massive amounts from years of specialized training to be where they are today. We want to remove burdens to your happiness and help you reach financial security and confidence.

Since you’re reading this, you’re part of my mission and I want to help you.

Our one-time flat fee is $595 for new clients. If you've booked a call with us before and want a follow-up consult, the fee is $495.

If you want to get the most bang for your buck, make sure your spouse or significant other sits in on the call too. After all, the family that pays off student loans together … well, you know.

You can have whoever you want on the call with you at no additional cost.

Get a Plan for Your Student Loans

Life gets better when you know what to do with your student loans. Book a one-hour consulting call today. Your future self will thank you.