Our Life Insurance Cost Calculator estimates the amount of term life insurance you need and the cost you might pay. Use the calculator below to get a cost estimate, and if you know you need coverage, we can help you get a quote through our agency SLP Insurance.

Your Age Range

Your Gender

Mortgage amount

Private student loan amount

Your current income

How many children do you / will you have?

Are you currently in residency or fellowship?

What will your income be after training?

Do you / will you earn the majority of the income in your household?

Suggested amount of term life insurance to buy
Estimated monthly cost 20 year term for coverage amount listed above

Get a Term Life Quote through SLP Insurance

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A guess is fine. Usually people buy 5 to 10 times their income

Why buy term life insurance?

Term insurance is the most cost-effective option, providing essential coverage without the high premiums associated with permanent policies like universal or whole-life insurance.

How much term life insurance do you need?

We recommend buying term life insurance for at least 10 times your income, though this can be more complex for self-employed individuals with unpredictable earnings. Calculate your average income from all sources to determine the coverage you need, multiply it by 10, and round up to the nearest $500,000.

If your family relies primarily on your income, consider increasing the coverage to 10 to 15 times your earnings. For instance, if you earn $100,000 annually, you'd need at least $1 million in coverage or up to $1.5 million if you're the primary breadwinner. While this may seem substantial, it ensures your family is adequately protected.

Choosing the right term life insurance policy

It's important to work with someone who can shop for the lowest rates across various carriers, ensuring you're not pressured into purchasing unnecessary, more expensive policies. Revisit your coverage whenever you have a significant life event, such as having another child or taking on substantial debt, like buying a house.